Logistician - Amman - Jordan - Handicap International - DAU

Handicap International
Closing date: 28 Feb 2014


Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.

Handicap International is a not-for-profit organisation with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.

Through its Emergency Response Department (ERD), created in 2006 after the merge with Atlas Logistique, the organization is committed to:  Provide an adequate response to major natural disaster and conflict situations, anywhere in the world as much as possible within 72 hours;  Provide assistance to vulnerable groups (refugees, IDPs, persons with injuries, elders, children, etc.) affected by a crisis and maximize the number of beneficiaries. Within vulnerable groups, target especially PwD and meet their specific needs;  Constantly monitor chronic crises and/or conflicts to ensure preparedness for and rapid response to eventual emerging needs.

Directly linked to the Emergency Response Department of Handicap International France, the expatriate will be mandated for the following mission:


A critical humanitarian situation

The unrest in Syria began in the southern city of Deraa in March 2011 and the military crackdown failed to stop it, instead triggering anti-government protests in other towns and cities across the country, including Baniyas, Homs, Hama, Idled, Aleppo and the suburbs of Damascus. The Syrian authorities have responded to anti-government protests with overwhelming military force since they erupted. Since the beginning of the crisis, 17,000 people were killed according the last toll of the Syrian Watchdog for Human Rights, two third of them being non-fighting civilians. In addition, the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic (GoS) Humanitarian Assistance Response Plan estimates that 1 million people are in need of humanitarian aid, among which, those located near areas subject to armed hostilities, people relocated due to the unrest, host communities and those affected by the general economic impact of the crisis. This yearlong unrest has also caused the displacement of civilians fleeing from violence in the neighbouring countries, mainly in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.

Out of the total concerned refugees in the region, as of January, 31st 2014, about 593,186 have fled to Jordan. However, actual numbers are most probably higher due to the reluctance of some refugees to be registered because of security concerns or the geographical distance of registration offices from areas where they reside.

The current situation in Jordan is volatile and changing with an important variation in refugee arrivals. Refugees are settling in majority in community but Za’atari camp currently hosts an estimated 75,000 refugees. A contingency camp has been setup in Azraq but it is not yet operational. Border control seems to be tighter than in the early period of the conflict but hundreds of people continue to arrive on a daily bases including many injured.


The HI Emergency Response department launched a regional emergency intervention for the most vulnerable people affected by the Syrian crisis started beginning of May 2012, both in north Jordan and Lebanon. This intervention is conducted following 2 main axes:

1 - Ensure that refugees with injuries (or sequel of injuries) have access to essential rehabilitation and complementary services and therefore avoid developing further impairments and vulnerabilities, both at secondary level- Tripoli and northern Jordan- and community level -Bekaa Valley in Lebanon and northern Jordan.

2 – Ensure that the most vulnerable people affected by the Syrian crisis and their families see their vulnerability reduced and are better able to cope with the situation through the better coverage of their basic and specific needs (directly or through referrals/channeling) -Bekaa Valley in Lebanon and northern Jordan.

In 2013, to meet the needs due to the constant increase in refugee number in Jordan, HI Emergency Response department has increased its support activities in North Jordan at community level and in refugee camps and expanding its interventions in Central Jordan.

In Jordan, HI has setup two bases in Mafraq and Irbid and is providing direct services both in camps and communities as well as in hospitals. HI is currently expanding its activities on these two bases with the introduction of a cash response component, reinforced rehabilitation services through fixed points and is also looking to expand its activities in Amman, with the opening of an additional operational base in Amman.

Activities in Jordan 1. Identification and assessment of the basic and specific of most vulnerable populations (including persons with injuries, persons with disabilities, persons with chronic diseases, older persons) 2. Provision of rehabilitation services (including Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Prosthesis & Orthosis, Psychosocial Support) and other essential services to injured persons in hospitals and focal points 3. Provision of unconditional cash assistance support to the most vulnerable persons affected by the crisis


Based in Amman, under the direct responsibility of the Field Coordinator, and with the technical support of the Logistics Coordinator, you will be responsible for:

 Responsible for supervising the opening of HI DAU Amman base and ensure the regular maintenance;  Recruit the national staff in Amman base;  The management, training and capacity building of the staff under your supervision;  Provide accurate logistics reporting as per requested by your line manager


FIELD LOGISTICS DEPARTEMENT MANAGEMENT  At field level, you are the direct interlocutor of HI towards providers and companies, for all issue related to logistics and security in your area of assignment;  You participate actively to logistics meetings at local level (NGO coordination, etc.);  You provide logistics support and advice specifically to the project teams;  You ensure the respect of HI ERD (and donors if required) procurement, stock/reconciliation, transport items management and global fleet procedures;  You ensure regular security report and the respect of rules implemented  You identify and plan the procurement needs in collaboration with project teams and technical link You ensure the quality of the purchase and the delivery deadlines;  You follow up the order/purchase until delivery;  You control the quantities and qualities ordered and received;  You ensure regular procurement follow up in close collaboration with the administration department for down payments and monthly budget follow up;  You provide regular inventory for the different items stored in your area of assignment;  You are in charge of the store management, the control system and the supply chain at field level;  You ensure the security and the follow up of the equipment used on your area of assignment (identification, inventory, affectation);  You supervise the general fleet follow up (consumption / movements/ planning, etc.)

TEAM MANAGEMENT  You ensure strict application and respect of the Internal Regulation by your related staff.;  You define, with each member of your staff, his action plan and delay for reaching defined goals (IAP);  You support and advise your team in the implementation of their IAP;  You ensure feed back towards your team about issues potentially raised by them;  You ensure a good communication – coordination – information level of each member of your team through regular coordination meetings (or other if needed);  You are concerned and aware on the personal and professional evolution of each member of your staff, and its development within the mission : individual interviews, oral and written evaluations;  You ensure conflict resolution (personal and professional) within your team and inform the head of mission;  You propose relevant needed adaptation to the organizational chart of the mission and contribute to its implementation (job descriptions, etc.), in collaboration with the field coordinator;  You support your staff in their management duty: coordination meetings, individual interviews, etc.

STAFF CAPACITY BUILDING  You identify and recruit the national staff in accordance with budget and needs;  You identify and analyze the area for improvement of the logistics department staff;  You design and implement specific training to the logistics department staff;  You ensure a progressive autonomy of the logistics department;

REPORTING  You support the teams to produce regular reports on HI activities;  You participate to the monthly situation report (SITREP) by providing relevant data related to your position  You provide regular reporting on your activities to your line manager upon his/her solicitation (coordination meeting, workshop meeting, etc.);  You provide the field coordinator with a mission report and/or handover document at the end of your contract;  Debriefing at HQ at the end of your mission (and during Home-Break).


 At least 5 years of professional experience  At least 2 years of professional experience as Field Logistician in humanitarian context  Proven Team Management and Training experience  Good communication and reporting skills  Strong organisational skills  Experience in the Middle East would be a strong asset, as well as basic Arabic  Ability to work under high pressure  English mandatory (working language)


Based in Amman - Jordan

EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS Status: Volunteer or Salaried Salary starting from 2000 Euros gross salary + 457 Euros of indemnity of expatriation Duration: 4 months renewable starting March 1st Advantages: Social cover, repatriation insurance, housing, transport, R&R

How to apply:

Contact: Jeanne VOGT Please apply online by following this link : http://hi.profilsearch.com/recrute/fr/fo_annonce_voir.php?id=295&idparte...

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