The Netherlands Red Cross Vacancy : Disaster Management Programme Assistant

Position: Disaster Management Programme Assistant (PA) / The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC)
Duty station: Jakarta, Indonesia
Duration: 1 year (with possible extension)
Reporting line: DM Programme Officer
Starting date: 15 October 2011

Please submit you application by sending a Resume and Motivation Letter to:
Deadline :19.09.2011

The Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) has been supporting the Indonesian Red Cross Society (Palang Merah Indonesia - PMI) since PMI was established in 1945. Currently the NLRC supports PMI through a bilaterally organized Development Programme. Additionally, in times of emergencies, the NLRC may support PMI either bilaterally, or multilaterally through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

The NLRC Programme restarted in 2003 with NLRC intention to pursue a long term relationship with PMI, based on partnership. Since then NLRC supported PMI in projects in the field of HIV/AIDS, Community Based Health and First Aid/Water & Sanitation, Volunteer Exchange, Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction/Climate Change, Capacity Building, and Rehabilitation. At this moment NLRC supports PMI in the field of Disaster Management (Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction/Climate Change and Response/Rehabilitation) and Community Based Health and First Aid/Water & Sanitation. Funding originates from various sources such as the Netherlands Government, Red Cross societies, private companies, and the general public.

Responsibility for the implementation of the NLRC activities in the bilateral programme is with PMI Divisions, Chapters and Branches. To facilitate the implementation of the NLRC Programme and support PMI, NLRC has an office in Jakarta with currently eight staff. The office is located in the same building with other Red Cross Societies and IFRC.

The overall task of the PM will be to supervise and monitor implementation of the NLRC funded projects and to advise and support PMI staff in project and program management. The PA will be involved in providing support for smooth implementation of the following programmes:

- Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction / Climate Change Programme, Jakarta
This project aims to reduce peoples' vulnerability to disasters (mainly floods) in 8 kelurahan in East and West Jakarta in partnership with PMI, NLRC, IFRC, German Red Cross, the Rabobank Foundation and Eureko Achmea Foundation. Whereas PMI is the main implementer, NLRC takes the lead on behalf of all other partners. The programme includes activities such as: assessment of hazards, vulnerabilities and needs; training of community volunteer groups in disaster risk reduction, mitigation, and disaster response; capacity building of local PMI branches; building partnerships with government , private sector and others to increase sustainability, etc. The programme also facilitated the establishment of two Saving and Loan Cooperatives, which are currently technically supported by the programme to provide vulnerable communities with an opportunity for savings, small loans, and micro insurance (the latter is still in development). 

- Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction Programme under Partners of Resilience, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
This programme is implemented by the Partners for Resilience (PfR), which is an alliance consisting of: the Netherlands Red Cross (lead party), CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre and Wetlands International. The programme is being implemented in 9 countries, of which is Indonesia, where NLRC takes the lead on behalf of the alliance. All partners cooperate with their local partners, which is the case of NLRC in Indonesia is PMI. By joint planning and implementation the PfR is building upon the specific expertise of its five members, avoiding duplication and fostering complementarity, exchange of good practises and experiences. The aim of the Programme is to reduce the impact of natural hazards on the lives and livelihoods of vulnerable communities in Nusa Tenggara Timur, in several districts which in the case of PMI are Lembata and Sikka. It therefore combines Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Environmental Management and Restoration at the level of strengthening community resilience, civil society and policy dialogue.

- Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction Programme in NTT (Pledge)
This community based risk reduction programme funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs started in 2008 and the implementation time officially ended in June this year. It's a bilateral programme of PMI with support of NLRC implemented in Sikka and Alor district in NTT. There are still a few remaining tasks and activities to be able to close this programme. 

- Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction Programme in West-Sumatera (FRC)
This community based risk reduction programme is funded by NLRC, and implemented by PMI with support of the French Red Cross. The role of NLRC is that of donor. 

- New Disaster Risk Reduction programmes 
At this moment there are no plans to start up new disaster management programmes, but this could change, especially in case of following up on existing programmes. 

- Emergency Response
In case of emergencies that exceed PMIs capacity to respond, NLRC assesses the need and capacity to support PMI in its emergency response (relief, rehabilitation) operation, either via IFRC or bilaterally (possibly in cooperation with other Red Cross Societies). In case of the latter project preparation (donor contacts, emergency proposal writing) and follow up (monitoring, reporting) will be done by NLRC.

- General Disaster Management issues and representation of NLRC
Developments within NLRC, PMI and other partners regarding strategies on Disaster Management (both response and risk reduction). 


In relation to the programmes mentioned above, the specific activities of the PA include (but are not limited to):
- The overall task will be to provide support to the DM Programme Officer and DM Programme Manager

Programme Assistant will also work very closely with the DM Programme Officer to support her/him on the following task:
- The planning, implementation and monitoring of the NLRC funded projects on Youth Exchange, Capacity Building, and Capacity Building in the Health Sector;
- Advise PMI Divisions and chapters and branches on program / project management, with priority for activities that is part of the PA portfolio.
- Follow up and assist PMI Divisions and chapters and branches in the preparations of project documents such as project proposals, agreements, MoU's, etc.
- Monitor the financial situation of the projects in the portfolio in close cooperation with PMI finance officer. This includes follow up of financial administration and reporting.
- Facilitate the timely organization by PMI of reviews, evaluations and audits related to the activities that are part of the CR portfolio.
- Strengthen the coordination and cooperation between PMI and other relevant organizations (GoI, I-NGO, IFRC) supporting the NRLC Development Program. 
- The candidate has to be motivated to work in a humanitarian organization and should adherence to Red Cross vision and principles is a necessity.
- The candidate should be flexible and able to work in a team as well as independent. He/she should be open minded, willing to work in an advising and coordinating position and being able to communicate openly with PMI Divisions, chapters and branches. He/she should be able to build up a good working relationship with PMI staff and volunteers and expat delegates, based on trust, confidence and respect. He/ she should be sensitive, patient and diplomatic. 
- The candidate should have excellent translation skills Bahasa Indonesia – English and vice versa.
- The candidate should be able to cope with irregular working hours, field travel and stressful working conditions. 
- The PA will report to and will be supervised by the DM Programme Officer of the NLRC Program and will work in close collaboration with NLRC, PMI and Federation staff and representatives of other PNS's. 
- PA will be requested to replace Programme Officer when she/he is in absent

The PA will report directly to the DM Programme Officer of the NLRC in Indonesia. 

The PA works closely together with:

- NLRC Project Officer for Disaster Management, who is for programme management matters reporting to the PM, and hierarchically to the Country Programme Manager;
- NLRC Finance Officers;
- NLRC Admin Officer.

The PA will work closely with PMI staff, especially at HQ level (Disaster Management Division and other relevant divisions), and with all programme partners (especially at Indonesia level). Frequent communication will take place with other Red Cross societies active in Disaster Management in Indonesia.

- The PA will be based in Jakarta, in the office of NLRC. 
- The PA frequently travels to the programme locations (whenever necessary).
- The PA will abide by and work in accordance with the Red Cross/Red Crescent Principles.
- As part of the labour contract, the PA will sign the Red Cross Code of Conduct.


- Should have Indonesian Nationality
- Have educational background (minimum bachelor degree in relevant subject)
- Have minimum 2 years working experiences, preferably in the Non Governmental Organization (NGO), as programme staff or secretary.
- Should preferably have experience in project cycle management, including project preparation, formulation, implementation and evaluation. Knowledge of financial administration programs is an advantage.
- Should have adequate computer skills 
- Should have excellent communication, and organizational skills.
- Proven analytical and summarizing skills also able to take initiative
- Knowledge of and working experience with the Red Cross movement is an advantage.
- Knowledge of and working experience in Disaster Management is an advantage

Please submit you application by sending a Resume and Motivation Letter to:
Deadline :19.09.2011

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