Expert on Tsunami for Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC)

Please apply online through the following link:
Title: Expert on Tsunami for Tsunami & Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC)
Reports to: Janggam Adhityawarma and close direct consultation with TDMRC head of division
Duty Station: Home based (within Indonesia)
Expected Places of Travel (if applicable): Banda Aceh, Jakarta
Duration of Assignment: Mid of August 2011 to Mid of December 2011 
To ensure that sustainable disaster risk reduction (DRR) is integrated into all future development in Aceh, the Provincial Government of Nanggröe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) has initiated the project “Making Aceh Safer Through Disaster Risk Reduction in Development” (DRR-A).  The DRR-A is designed to promote efforts for making DRR a normal part of the development process established in core functions of government and its public and private partners at all levels especially local communities where the most effective actions can be taken to reduce the physical, economic and social vulnerability to disasters.  The ultimate aim of this project is to ensure that, over the long-term, development takes place in a way that disaster risks are considered and accounted for so that over time, a culture of safety becomes the norm in Aceh leading to sustainable development. DRR-A has a target budget of USD $10 million for the three and a half year implementation

The NAD Provincial Government will implement the DRR-A project with support from UNDP and oversight of the National Government.  Strategic partnerships will be established with other relevant GOI ministries and agencies and with public and private partners at different levels.  DRR-A will be implemented in alignment with the national programme of “Safer Communities through Disaster Risk Reduction in Development” (SC-DRR).
The project is aimed at producing four key outputs: 
1.      Institutional arrangement and enabling environment established to facilitate participatory and concerted implementation of DRR measures;
2.      Demonstration of gender sensitive projects implemented in selected locations to test and improve measures for reducing risk from natural disasters;
3.      Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC), Syiah Kuala University (UNSYIAH) strengthened to provide science-based information, service and knowledge assistance to the local government and other DRR proponents in implementing their DRR activities; 
4.      DRR public awareness programmes implemented to promote a gender sensitive “Culture of Safety” among the people and institutions of Aceh.
5.      To strengthen the capacity of the TDMRC-Unsyiah in providing tsunami science-based information, service and knowledge assistance, one Tsunami scientist is needed. The tsunami scientist will assist and manage the process of building the syllabus and deliverable materials for training and research applications in the field of tsunami science and engineering for the purpose of tsunami hazards assessment and mitigations. Supporting the disaster information for tsunami disaster risk reduction in Aceh and other DRR activities at national, regional and international level.
The objective of this assignment is to facilitate TDMRC’s in providing training and research applications in the field of Tsunami Science and Engineering with documentations of relevant training material/modules, research methodology, research facilities involves and needed, and site selection for field laboratory.  At the same time, the consultant is also expected to carry out a workshop to draft need analysis of tsunami hazards assessment and mitigations and grand strategy for TDMRC as a centre of excellence in tsunami science and engineering at local, national and regional/international levels.  The consultant is expected to engage with relevant institutions at local, national, regional and international levels such as BPBD’s, BNPB, BMKG, LIPI, BPPT, EOS-NTU Singapore, RHIMES Thailand,  ICHARM-PWRI, and NOAA USA. 
Detailed Tasks and Outputs are specified in the following section.
The consultant is to deliver the above output working in consultation with team of TDMRC- Unsyiah under the guidance and supervision of the DRR-A output 3 project coordinator and TDMRC-Unsyiah head of research division.  
The following are the  scope of work for the recruited personnel: 
1.      Document and Review Tsunami Science and Engineering Training material, Research Publications, and applications related to Aceh regions.
·         Collect all of necessary training materials, research publications, and applications of Tsunami Science and Engineering especially in tsunami hazard assessment and mitigations related to Aceh regions based on previous activities or updated activities and works of various local, national, regional and International organizations and institutions. 
·         Review the results and fill in the gaps, if any, on how tsunami hazards assessment and mitigations had been carried out and implemented and identify the immediate need and future trend and/or directions.
2.      Develop tsunami science and engineering training materials and modules, and identify research applications services.  
1.        Compile the results of activities (1) and carry out need analysis of tsunami hazards assessment and mitigation at local, national, regional/international levels in order to develop the tsunami science and engineering training materials, modules, syllabus and relevant research applications services.
2.        Identify the minimum requirements of human resources and necessary facilities (laboratory and field) that are needed for these purposes.
3.        Provide criteria for site selection of the field/natural laboratory necessary for the field training and research camp that relevant to the training modules and research applications services. The consultant will work closely with all stake-holders in selecting the field/natural laboratory and ensure the continuous support from all stake-holders in maintaining and preserving the field/natural laboratory. Site visit will be carried out in selecting field/natural laboratory.
3.        Assisted TDMRC in the development of peer group related with current issues of Tsunami Research Initiative  and assist TDMRC in networking with institutions that have similar interests in Tsunami science and engineering  at local, national, and international level
4.        Assist TDMRC in organizing 2-days Workshops to finalized  the developed modules (activity 2)
5.        Conduct 3-days Training of trainer (ToT) for selected facilitators in the modules developed
6.          Assist TDMRC in organizing 2-days Workshops on Tsunami Science and Engineering
·         Prepare the working paper on tsunami hazards assessment and mitigations issues at local, national, regional/regional levels.
·         Engage with relevant institutions at local, and national, levels such as Aceh Government, BPBD’s, BNPB, BAPPENAS, RISTEK, BMKG, LIPI, BPPT, NGO’s, EOS-NTU Singapore, RHIMES Thailand, ICHARM-PWRI, and NOAA USA and Donors.
·         Draft the Grand Strategy of TDMRC/Unsyiah  as a centre of excellence in tsunami science and engineering at local, national and regional/international levels 
7.        Assist TDMRC in organizing the 1st   training on Tsunami Science and Engineering using the developed modules under activities (3-6)
The specialist is expected to complete all work identified above within Four (4) months from the date of commencement.
Cost of Workshop will be covered through LoA with TDMRC and travel cost within country of Indonesia (if required) will be calculated separately. 
Payment will be authorized upon review and approval of the deliverables by the DRRA Project Coordinator for output 3 and DRRA Project Manager.
Describe the required degree of expertise and qualifications, including specialized knowledge, language needs, experience, selection criteria, qualifications and performance or other standards the Contractor must fulfill.
Corporate Responsibility & teamwork:
q   Serves and promotes the vision, mission, values, and strategic goals of UNDP
q   Plans, prioritizes, and delivers tasks on time
People Skills
q   Promotes a learning environment; facilitates the development of individual and team competencies
Partnering & Networking:
q   Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside UNDP
q   Ability to liaise and work with Government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other project partners
q   Determines clients' needs & adapts UNDP products & services to meet them
Innovation & Judgment
q   Contributes creative, practical ideas and approaches to deal with challenging situations
q   Pursues own personal and professional development
q   Demonstrates effective written and oral communication skills
Job Knowledge & Expertise
q   Executes tasks systematically & efficiently
q   Uses Information Technology effectively as a tool and resource
q   Experience in Tsunami related science and engineering. 
q   Experience in developing syllabus, modules, and training materials.
q   Ability to write professional reports, make presentations, provide trainings, prepare strategic development for center of excellence in the tsunami related area, etc. 
q   Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and experiences in undertaking study (field and laboratory), research and investigation in the fields of tsunami science and engineering and tsunami hazard assessment and mitigations. 
q   Solid publications at International Peer-Review Journal as well as presenting a paper at International conferences related to the tsunami that affecting Banda Aceh region is a plus

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