Project Development Intern - CAMBODIA
December 1, 2014
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development,
International NGO,
Phnom Penh,
Project Development Intern
Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Closing date: 28 Feb 2015
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Department: Project development
Position: Project Development Intern
Contract duration: 6 months
Location: Cambodia - Phnom Penh
Starting Date ASAP
I. Background on ACTED
ACTED is a French humanitarian NGO, founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations, affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. ACTED provides continued support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and engaging long-term challenges facing our target populations, in order to break the poverty cycle, foster development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our interventions seek to cover the multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach which is both global and local, and adapted to each context. Our 4,000 staff is committed in to responding to emergencies worldwide, to supporting recovery and rehabilitation, towards sustainable development.
Our teams in the field implement some 380 projects in 34 countries covering the following sectors emergency relief, food security, access to health, education and training, economic development, microfinance, advocacy, institutional support, and regional dialogue, cultural promotion.
Based on considerable experience addressing the needs and situations of vulnerable communities, ACTED contributes to the international agenda towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals, through a wide range of partnerships, innovative initiatives, and campaigns.
For more information, please visit our website at
II.Country profile
Projects: 3 (2014)
International Staff: 2 (2014)
Capital Office: Phnom Penh
ACTED has focused on providing education and access to healthcare for most at-risk populations since 1995 working on HIV/AIDS and STI prevention.In 2014, ACTED continues to work with vulnerable populations, Enterntainment workers and youth. The scope of work is being broadened by including the component of labour rights of entertainment workers working in establishments in the cities.
Cambodia’s workforce is characterized by its young population, surplus of labour and lack of training in formal sectors. As a result, informal workers comprise 90% of the workforce and contribute an estimated 80% of its GDP. Though some informal workers are technically included in the labour law, all are practically excluded from the labour law and its protections. They lack decent work (as defined by the ILO) and are exposed to hazardous working conditions, low pay, unstable positions and are without social security protection schemes. Entertainment workers (EW) which refers to people (usually women) who work in karaoke parlours, bars, beer gardens and restaurants as hostesses and servers, are informal workers under the ILO’s definition. According to a 2012, there are approximately 35,000 EW in Cambodia, with a large proportion in the capital of Phnom Penh. EWs are also considered indirect sex workers as some chose to supplement their meagre incomes by selling sex to customers. The enforcement of the 2008 Law on Suppress of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation has had a detrimental effect on the working conditions of EWs. Brothel-based sex work has largely diminished and has driven direct sex workers into more insecure working situations and has increased pressure on entertainment workers (sometimes indirect sex workers) to fulfil their role. According to a study, EWs are subject to arrest if they carry condoms and are often detained, beaten and raped. Significantly, as the law pushes their work into the realm of quasi illegality, EWs are less able to demand labour rights from their employers, register legal complaints with the authorities and to legally register their unions.
The working conditions of EWs are hazardous and far below the ILO standards of Decent Work. Restaurant workers for example, face harassment from customers, are refused time off and dismissed or pressured to have an abortion if they become pregnant. 66% of restaurant workers earn less than garment workers ($66/month at time of study) which is the only sector with a minimum wage. 24% earn less than the requirement for basic subsistence. More broadly, abortions and excessive alcohol drinking are very common among female entertainment workers. Karaoke and beer promotion girls in particular have the highest incidents of drunkenness with loss of control as they are pressured to drink with their clients. More than 10% of EWs are infected with HIV compared to the national rate of 0.8%.
The right of workers to form associations/unions, which are essential to a strong democracy, is not widely protected. Although unions have begun to proliferate since the 1997 adoption of the Cambodian Labour Code which guarantees workers the freedom of association, the right to bargain collectively and the right to strike, existing unions/federations remain largely tied to political groups and isolated to a few formal sectors such as the garment industry. To date, only 1% of the workforce is organized. Organization and unionization is a particular challenge for the approximate 90% of the workforce in Cambodia which is comprised of informal workers and therefore unrecognized and unregulated by the Labour Law.
Though some are technically excluded under the Labour Law (e.g self-employed), all are excluded practically: implementation/enforcement of Cambodian labour law is very poor leaving informal workers at risk of hazardous working conditions, unstable positions and no entitlement to social protection schemes. Exclusion from the labour law also means difficulty forming associations and unions to represent their interests and negotiate collective bargaining agreements. Therefore, ACTED has started to implement a program to promote the representation and participation in civil society of EWs, who are categorized as informal workers. Stronger and more engaged EW associations/unions will represent group interests towards respect for human rights and democratic reform and contribute to women’s economic empowerment and equality.The objective of the program is to create an enabling environment for the assertion of Entertainment Workers’ (EWs) rights, including the right to form associations/unions, by increasing the awareness and the implementation of labour laws by their employers.
II. Position Profile
The Reporting Intern ensures the production of timely reports for the Project Development Officer as well as the Project Development Manager. For countries where no Project Development officer/manager position is available, the Reporting Intern works under the direct supervision of the country director and ACTED HQ Project Development department.
He/she assists the Project Development Manager as well as the Country Director in developing a country communications strategy, both Officeral and external.
1. Ensuring the Production of Timely, Accurate and Analytical Reports for the Reporting Manager
Understand and disseminate Donors guidelines ;
Liaise regularly with Area Coordinators, Programme Managers and technical staff to ensure the production of quality reports across areas and across Donors;
Work in close relation with AME Department to develop and incorporate more solid monitoring and evaluation components in reports;
Work in close relation with Finances Department to ensure greater coherence between financial and narrative reports, and ensure steady cash inflow based on the timeliness and quality of report submissions.
2. Developing Officeral Coordination and Communication mechanisms
In relation with the Reporting Manager, ensure that all meetings are held and documented (capital coordination meetings, area coordination meetings, weekly base meetings, monthly programming board meetings, quarterly country coordination meetings);
Ensure in particular that reporting guidelines, formats, philosophy, deadlines for each project and donor is communicated clearly and standardized across the country for new and on-going projects;
Follow-up meetings at the field level and/or in the capital, between the bases and between the Country Managers;
Draft agenda and minutes of country-wide meetings.
3. Developing an External Communication Strategy
Define the main target groups, activities, resources and partnerships needed, by notably maintaining a high level of information and understanding of donors strategy and possible partnerships
Ensure continuum of PR activities, updating project-specific and regional fact sheets and documenting publications featuring ACTED in the media ;
Provide ACTED Global with full information on projects whenever needed.
Participate in ACTED Global communication strategy by providing regular informal updates on projects, by sending pictures and articles on projects progress and/or specific events for ACTED Newsletter and Annual Report.
Identifying sources of funding for a more cohesive public information strategy in-country.
4. Assisting the Reporting Manager in developing project proposals, addressing ad hoc donor requests or catalysing actions on specific projects or components of projects
III. Qualifications:
• Postgraduate diploma in international relations/political sciences
•Excellent English and French writing and communication skills
• Previous related work experience, w/knowledge of proposal writing and donor relations
• Ability to work efficiently under pressure
• Ability to work in an unstable security environment moving
•Willingness to work and live in often remote areas under basic conditions
IV. Conditions:
Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse
Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance + retirement package
How to apply:
Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references
For more information, visit us at
Closing date: 28 Feb 2015
Department: Project development
Position: Project Development Intern
Contract duration: 6 months
Location: Cambodia - Phnom Penh
Starting Date ASAP
I. Background on ACTED
ACTED is a French humanitarian NGO, founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations, affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. ACTED provides continued support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and engaging long-term challenges facing our target populations, in order to break the poverty cycle, foster development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our interventions seek to cover the multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach which is both global and local, and adapted to each context. Our 4,000 staff is committed in to responding to emergencies worldwide, to supporting recovery and rehabilitation, towards sustainable development.
Our teams in the field implement some 380 projects in 34 countries covering the following sectors emergency relief, food security, access to health, education and training, economic development, microfinance, advocacy, institutional support, and regional dialogue, cultural promotion.
Based on considerable experience addressing the needs and situations of vulnerable communities, ACTED contributes to the international agenda towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals, through a wide range of partnerships, innovative initiatives, and campaigns.
For more information, please visit our website at
II.Country profile
Projects: 3 (2014)
International Staff: 2 (2014)
Capital Office: Phnom Penh
ACTED has focused on providing education and access to healthcare for most at-risk populations since 1995 working on HIV/AIDS and STI prevention.In 2014, ACTED continues to work with vulnerable populations, Enterntainment workers and youth. The scope of work is being broadened by including the component of labour rights of entertainment workers working in establishments in the cities.
Cambodia’s workforce is characterized by its young population, surplus of labour and lack of training in formal sectors. As a result, informal workers comprise 90% of the workforce and contribute an estimated 80% of its GDP. Though some informal workers are technically included in the labour law, all are practically excluded from the labour law and its protections. They lack decent work (as defined by the ILO) and are exposed to hazardous working conditions, low pay, unstable positions and are without social security protection schemes. Entertainment workers (EW) which refers to people (usually women) who work in karaoke parlours, bars, beer gardens and restaurants as hostesses and servers, are informal workers under the ILO’s definition. According to a 2012, there are approximately 35,000 EW in Cambodia, with a large proportion in the capital of Phnom Penh. EWs are also considered indirect sex workers as some chose to supplement their meagre incomes by selling sex to customers. The enforcement of the 2008 Law on Suppress of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation has had a detrimental effect on the working conditions of EWs. Brothel-based sex work has largely diminished and has driven direct sex workers into more insecure working situations and has increased pressure on entertainment workers (sometimes indirect sex workers) to fulfil their role. According to a study, EWs are subject to arrest if they carry condoms and are often detained, beaten and raped. Significantly, as the law pushes their work into the realm of quasi illegality, EWs are less able to demand labour rights from their employers, register legal complaints with the authorities and to legally register their unions.
The working conditions of EWs are hazardous and far below the ILO standards of Decent Work. Restaurant workers for example, face harassment from customers, are refused time off and dismissed or pressured to have an abortion if they become pregnant. 66% of restaurant workers earn less than garment workers ($66/month at time of study) which is the only sector with a minimum wage. 24% earn less than the requirement for basic subsistence. More broadly, abortions and excessive alcohol drinking are very common among female entertainment workers. Karaoke and beer promotion girls in particular have the highest incidents of drunkenness with loss of control as they are pressured to drink with their clients. More than 10% of EWs are infected with HIV compared to the national rate of 0.8%.
The right of workers to form associations/unions, which are essential to a strong democracy, is not widely protected. Although unions have begun to proliferate since the 1997 adoption of the Cambodian Labour Code which guarantees workers the freedom of association, the right to bargain collectively and the right to strike, existing unions/federations remain largely tied to political groups and isolated to a few formal sectors such as the garment industry. To date, only 1% of the workforce is organized. Organization and unionization is a particular challenge for the approximate 90% of the workforce in Cambodia which is comprised of informal workers and therefore unrecognized and unregulated by the Labour Law.
Though some are technically excluded under the Labour Law (e.g self-employed), all are excluded practically: implementation/enforcement of Cambodian labour law is very poor leaving informal workers at risk of hazardous working conditions, unstable positions and no entitlement to social protection schemes. Exclusion from the labour law also means difficulty forming associations and unions to represent their interests and negotiate collective bargaining agreements. Therefore, ACTED has started to implement a program to promote the representation and participation in civil society of EWs, who are categorized as informal workers. Stronger and more engaged EW associations/unions will represent group interests towards respect for human rights and democratic reform and contribute to women’s economic empowerment and equality.The objective of the program is to create an enabling environment for the assertion of Entertainment Workers’ (EWs) rights, including the right to form associations/unions, by increasing the awareness and the implementation of labour laws by their employers.
II. Position Profile
The Reporting Intern ensures the production of timely reports for the Project Development Officer as well as the Project Development Manager. For countries where no Project Development officer/manager position is available, the Reporting Intern works under the direct supervision of the country director and ACTED HQ Project Development department.
He/she assists the Project Development Manager as well as the Country Director in developing a country communications strategy, both Officeral and external.
1. Ensuring the Production of Timely, Accurate and Analytical Reports for the Reporting Manager
Understand and disseminate Donors guidelines ;
Liaise regularly with Area Coordinators, Programme Managers and technical staff to ensure the production of quality reports across areas and across Donors;
Work in close relation with AME Department to develop and incorporate more solid monitoring and evaluation components in reports;
Work in close relation with Finances Department to ensure greater coherence between financial and narrative reports, and ensure steady cash inflow based on the timeliness and quality of report submissions.
2. Developing Officeral Coordination and Communication mechanisms
In relation with the Reporting Manager, ensure that all meetings are held and documented (capital coordination meetings, area coordination meetings, weekly base meetings, monthly programming board meetings, quarterly country coordination meetings);
Ensure in particular that reporting guidelines, formats, philosophy, deadlines for each project and donor is communicated clearly and standardized across the country for new and on-going projects;
Follow-up meetings at the field level and/or in the capital, between the bases and between the Country Managers;
Draft agenda and minutes of country-wide meetings.
3. Developing an External Communication Strategy
Define the main target groups, activities, resources and partnerships needed, by notably maintaining a high level of information and understanding of donors strategy and possible partnerships
Ensure continuum of PR activities, updating project-specific and regional fact sheets and documenting publications featuring ACTED in the media ;
Provide ACTED Global with full information on projects whenever needed.
Participate in ACTED Global communication strategy by providing regular informal updates on projects, by sending pictures and articles on projects progress and/or specific events for ACTED Newsletter and Annual Report.
Identifying sources of funding for a more cohesive public information strategy in-country.
4. Assisting the Reporting Manager in developing project proposals, addressing ad hoc donor requests or catalysing actions on specific projects or components of projects
III. Qualifications:
• Postgraduate diploma in international relations/political sciences
•Excellent English and French writing and communication skills
• Previous related work experience, w/knowledge of proposal writing and donor relations
• Ability to work efficiently under pressure
• Ability to work in an unstable security environment moving
•Willingness to work and live in often remote areas under basic conditions
IV. Conditions:
Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse
Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance + retirement package
How to apply:
Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references
For more information, visit us at
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