ILO | Programme and Reporting Officer

Closing date: 5 January 2012
UNDP-ILO Project: Creating Jobs—Capacity Building for LocalResource-based Road Works in Selected Districts in NAD and Nias

VacancyNo. : JAKARTA/ 2011/032
DutyStation : Jakarta
Duration : 7.5 Months (short-term)
Expected Starting Date : 16 January 2012
ApplicationDeadline : 5 January 2012
Grade : NO-A ofthe UN Common
Remuneration System

Termsof ReferenceA.General Project Information

The UNDP/ILO Project "Creating Jobs: CapacityBuilding for Local
Resource-based Road Works in Selected Districts in NAD andNias" has
been implemented since March 2006. The Project's central aim is to
support the AcehGovernment in improving the livelihoods of the Acehnese
people by enhancing thecapacity of local governments to generate maximum
employment opportunitiesthrough investments in rural infrastructure,
particularly the road sector. Fiveyears of post-tsunami reconstruction
in Aceh has achieved improvements in ruralroad networks. But local
governments are facing significant difficulties to putin place effective
systems for planning and monitoring investments (includinginvestments
for maintenance) for these roads.

A comprehensive Exit Strategy for the Project has beenprepared for the
Aceh cluster of the Project (Pidie and Bireuen District) from 1 July
2011 until 31 August 2012 and the approval for this Projectextension by
MDFANs and the GoI is expected early November 2011. The proposalseeks to
ensure that the LRB approaches that have been successfullydemonstrated
by the Project over the last five years will be sustained and thatthe
lessons learned will be mainstreamed. The proposal aims at ensuring
thesustainability of the investments made during phase I and II of the
Project, interms of their management and maintenance by the Government.
An importantelement of the extension is to develop planning tools and
build capacities forroad asset planning and management/maintenance at
district level – inparticular in Pidie and Bireuen districts where
the majority of the investmentshave been made. Another important element
is up-scaling and expanding thesuccessfully demonstrated
employment-intensive approaches. This includes therehabilitation of
rural roads and community infrastructure in other sectors(like
irrigation and fisheries) using local resource-based approaches.

Realizing the importance of information dissemination asa key advocacy
tool in obtaining wide and national-level recognition of thesuccessfully
demonstrated approaches, the proposed cost extension includesvarious
advocacy and information dissemination activities at various levels.
Lessons learned and bestpractices of the project will be documented and
knowledge management and policydialogue and advocacy activities will be
undertaken within the framework of theproposed extension. These
activities aim at incorporating achieved outputs andproducts (like
models, tools and guidelines for planning and implementing
LRBinfrastructure investments) within the government's framework and
strategy forthe delivery of rural infrastructure investments in the road
sector, usingLocal Resource-Based (LRB) approaches where appropriate.

B. Duties and Responsibilities

TheProgramme/Reporting Officer (PRO) will work under the day-to-day
supervision ofthe National Project Coordinator and overall supervision
and technical guidanceof the Project's Chief Technical Advisor. In
close consultation with the CTA, the Director/Deputy-Director will
providedirection to the PRO regarding the execution of his/her duties.
The PRO willwork in close collaboration with the ILO Project staff and
the involved staffof ILO Jakarta. His/her overall Project related
responsibilities include theprovision of key support regarding the
Project's various programmatic andreporting activities and support
to its knowledge management and policydialogue activities at national

Inaddition, it is expected that the PRO will be providing inputs in
resource mobilizationactivities. As and when relevant the PRO will also
ensure coordination andsynergies between the Project and other ILO
Programmes in Indonesia. ThePRO will establish and maintain effective
liaison and professional workingrelationships at national level with the
Project's key stakeholders, inparticular with the Ministry of
Manpower and Transmigration (MOMT), Bappenas,the Multi-Donor Trust Fund
for Aceh and Nias (MDF), the Ministry of PublicWorks and UNDP. To
facilitate the establishment of an effective professionalworking
relationship with the MOMT – being the Government Executing Agency
forthe Project – and other Government stakeholders at national
level, it isenvisaged that the PRO will have to spend a considerable
part of his/herworking time at MOMT and the Ministry of Public Works.
The overall responsibilitiesand tasks of the PRO include the following:

· Provide substantive input in the organization of work plans.

· Support, and monitor the implementation of the Project
knowledgemanagement and policy dialogue activities at central level.
Identify problemsand consider different approaches and alternative
methods for problemresolution.

· Provide support to the overall developmentof the ILO
Employment-Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) in Indonesia andvarious
activities related to resource mobilization.

· Provide administrative, financial and logistic support.

· Organize and participate in seminars, workshops and meetings
withstakeholders from the Government, donors and ILO constituents.

· Prepare briefs, concept notes, periodic reports and
statisticaldata on status of programme and project activities.

· Draft news releases, correspondence or other
informationpublications, and assist with the distribution of information

· Ensure effective production and distribution of related
projectreports including information on the progress and status of
project to thegovernment organizations at district and national level,
stakeholders, MDF andUNDP. Secretariat of MDF and UNDP;

· Maintain and update database of Project reports and

· Establish and maintain liaison duties with the National
ProjectBoard, MOMT, Bappenas, UNDP and the MDF Secretariat regarding the
progress andactivities of the Project;

· Provide support to MOMT in the execution of its
responsibilitiesand task as the Government Executing Agency of the
Project and its involvementin national-level knowledge management and
policy dialogue activities;

· Review project data and other relevant information and
providewritten analysis on the findings to the Project Manager.

· Assist in programming and budgetarycontrol of Project
resources/activities. Prepare budget estimates and expenditure

· Supervise the work of Jakarta-based support staff and
consultants asrelevant;

· Brief ILO specialists, project experts,associate experts and
visiting officials and provide relevant information onthe Project in
particular and EIIP initiatives in general;

· Undertake missions to project sites alone and/or accompanying
otherofficials or external missions, as and when required;

· Draft in, or translate into, local language(s) news releases,
officialcorrespondence, statements and speeches and other public
information materialrelevant to the Project or other EIIP Indonesia

· Undertake any other activities, as directed by the CTA,
National Project Coordinator or the ILOJakarta Director/Deputy-Director,
which are relevant to, and in line with, theoverall responsibilities and
tasks of the PRO;
C. Experience and Qualifications
Education:First leveluniversity degree in communication, development
studies, businessadministration, economics, management, social sciences,
engineering or anotherrelevant degree.

Experience - At least seven (7) years ofrelevant professional
experience at the national level in the occupationalarea.

Languages - Excellentcommand of one working language of the office and
good knowledge of anotherofficial language of the duty station.


* Proven organizational andcoordination skills in a demanding and
challenging environment.
* Excellent verbal and writtencommunication skills and ability to
perform well in public functions.
* Proven networking andmotivational skills, and conceptual and
analytical skills.
* Demonstrated ability with regards to knowledge management and
policy dialogue are consideredimportant advantages.
* Solid knowledge of programming and financial/administrative
procedures. Knowledge ofUN financial rules and regulations is considered
an advantage.
* Proven ability to workharmoniously and effectively in a highly
demanding working environment –involving senior government
authorities, donors and ILO's constituents.
* Demonstratedability to work efficiently on his/her own initiative,
as well as to work as ateam member. Professional and personalendurance
and commitment to pursue and complete complex assignments.
* Good working knowledge ofsoftware programmes, including Microsoft

D. Applications
Indicating the Vacancy Announcement No. above as subject,please send
your application letter, latest CV and 3 references to the Director, ILO
Indonesia, email: <> , with cc to
Bas Athmer, Chief Technical Advisor (
<> )and Emil Salim, National Project Coordinator
( <> ), no later than 5 January 2012.
Onlyshort-listed candidates will be contacted for a test and an

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