Regional Program Coordinator JASS SEA

JASS (Just Associates) Southeast Asia. Jakarta, Indonesia.
Closing date: May 31, 2011.

Concrete responsibilities are to:

* Provide leadership, mentoring and support to the broader group ofJASS SEA community, while co-managing the secretariat manager andfinance staff in Jakarta, members of the JASS SEA core team across
the region including partners virtually; support the recruitmentof new staff members to build the JASS SEA Regional team in linewith JASS SEA needs and budget;
* Coordinate consultative processes for designing, planning andimplementing JASS South East Asia strategies and programmes inline with JASS' overall mission and strategic priorities; Refineand adjust plans as needed in accordance with opportunities and funding;
* Support and backstop country-level processes in Cambodia, Timor L'este, Malaysia and the Philippines
* Maintain regular communication with global team and regional team to keep programmes and relationships on track including regular check-ins with regional staff members to ensure continued ownership;
* Establish/consolidate regional systems for planning, coordination, reporting, etc. in close coordination with the regional team and global JASS;
* Identify and pursue strategic opportunities to deepen and broaden the impact of the JASS South East Asia movement-building process;
* At times, represent JASS South East Asia and involve other regional team members and JASS SEA community in representing JASS in the region at important events and among a wide variety of people and organisations who are potential allies and donors; meet with regional donors to pursue funding; coordinate with the global team in the production and submission of proposals.


* Minimum 5-7 years' experience with political activism and/or advocacy on women's rights, young women leadership, social movements and related issues;
* Substantive knowledge on policy issues related to the core themes;
* Demonstrated commitment to facilitative leadership and democratic management principles;
* Experience in promoting teamwork and working collaboratively in a multigenerational, multicultural context;
* Ability to think critically and politically, and problem-solve with minimal resources;
* Proven ability to operate in a virtual, global organisation where e-mail and phone communication is paramount;
* Strong written and spoken English communication skills. Demonstrated ability to write for a variety of audiences and purposes;
* Experience working effectively with limited budgets and a corresponding ability to draft and implement budgets for regional projects and initiatives;
* Ability to think through staffing needs and priorities; comfortable building and developing organisational processes for a young organization with a unique and flexible structure that is continually evolving in careful and well thought-out strategic stages;
* Excitement about, and commitment to, bringing diverse interests together across boundaries of race, class, gender, sexuality and nationality in collaborative and creative ways; Sensitivity/awareness of difference, power and privilege as they shape interaction and of multigenerational processes;
* Comfortable dealing with and navigating the complex politics between traditional NGOs and women's rights groups;
* Ability to plan on the move and to respond and adjust to shifting constantly priorities;
* Experience organising and facilitating events.

To Apply:

Please submit a cover letter and resume via email, fax, or mail (email is preferred) to:

Carrie Wilson, Cross-regional Program Coordinator
Email:* <>*
Fax: +1-202-232-4715

No phone calls please.

*Application deadline: May 31, 2011.*
JASS is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants with diverse  backgrounds and members of the queer/transgender community are strongly  encouraged to apply.

Website: * <>*

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